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Rude Hand Gestures of the World book cover

Hell is other people's taste.

tacky lamp xmas lights

Donald Trump's Homepage - Why was this link included in a site about tackyness?

"Excellence is our passion" is the slogan of one of the world's largest adhesive manufacturer

Tasteless things and adhesives


Welcome to Aggressively Tacky wherein we explore the rich panoply of people and things that are more than gently tacky. Browse through our little bricks of tack, most of which lead you to other sites.

You can buy some things on this site, and others are not available at any price — well, any reasonable price. I suppose that you could get Donald Trump to be the clown at your birthday party if you spent enough.

Ugly Dogs On Parade

Mostly glaring failures of fur, a photo essay.


Photos of some very ugly dogs